A Directory of Families
This alphabetical list provides quick access to the families and the individuals within them that are mentioned in the text. Women whose family names are unknown are listed at the end of their husband's family's list. When neither a birth nor death date is known for an individual, that person is identified by familial relationship, as for example (wife of . . .) or (father f . . . ).
COMING SOON: Link(s) to chapter(s) in which particular individual is referenced.
Alferink (Alfrank)
Jennie {Alferink} Habicht (1888 to 1914)
Gerrit Alferink (ca 1811 to 1859)
Gerrit Alferink (1853-58? to 1898)
Janna {Arkensteen? or Jansen?} (wife of Gerrit the elder)
Mildred {Archer?} Chastain (ca 1709 to ?)
Jeanne {Audet} Chastain (wife of Jacques)
Bär (Baer, Bar)
Barbara {Bär} Lionberger (ca 1711 to after 1756)
Johan Jacob Bär (1675-77 to 1759)
Geesje {Barens} Van Rotmers (ca 1591 to before 1658)
Sarah {Barnett?} Chastain (? to 1790-1803?)
Christine {Bendisch} Habicht (wife of Edward Wilhelm)
Blevins (Blevin, Bliven)
Artemisia {Blevins} Shake (1809? to 1878)
Lemuel Blevins (1775-79 to 1829)
Samuel Blevins (1745? to 1820s?)
Adriana Teunis {Boeve?} Witteveen (1778 to 1859)
Teunis Berends Boeve? (ca 1752 to ?)
Bradt (Bratt)
Albert Andriessen Bradt (ca 1607 to 1686)
Anders Bradt (1570s? to ?)
Eva Albertse {Bradt} de Hooges (1632-33 to 1689-91?)
Eva {?} Bradt (wife of Anders)
Guillaum Brian (father of Pierre)
Jacques Brian
Pierre Brian (ca 1581 to 1641)
Susannah {Brian} Soblet (ca 1652 to ?)
Elisabeth {Burkhalter} Lionberger (ca 1690 to after 1756)
Elsbeth {Buss} Rickabaugh (1665 to ?)
Chastain (Chasteen, Chastine, Shasteen, Shatteen)
Estienne? Chastain (father of Jacques)
Estienne Chastain (1625 to after 1693)
George Christian? Chastain (ca 1766 to 1854)
Jacques Chastain (1598-1600 to ?)
Peter Chastain (1795 to 1852)
Pierre Chastain, Sr. (1659 to 1728)
Pierre (Peter) Chastain, Jr. (1707 to 1775?)
Sarah {Chastain} Vanderpool (1819 to 1885)
William Chastain? (1744 to 1790-1803?)
Sara, wife of William (? to 1790-1803)
Cork (Corke)
Margaret {Cork?} Taylor (ca 1709 to before 1755)
Elizabeth {Cowden} Neal (1806? to 1851)
John William Cowden (1775-84 to 1863)
Crooks (Crook, Kruck)
Jacob Kruck (1730s? to 1795)
Johannes Krück (1707 to ?)
John R. Crooks (1793? to 1850)
Mary {Crooks} Rickabaugh (1820-21 to 1840-50)
Michael Crooks (1760 to 1840s?)
Adrienne A. {Cuvellier} Vigne (1580-90 to 1655)
Davis (Devis, Dewess)
Elizabeth {Davis} Shake (1758-63 to 1820-24)
Hanicle Davis? (ca 1705 to 1782-83)
Hanover Davis (ca 1730 to 1809)
Elizabeth {?} Davis? (? - 1794)
De Draijere
Catarina {de Draijere} de Hooges (wife of Jan)
De Hooges (De Hoogen)
Anthony de Hooges (1620 to 1655)
Catharina {de Hooges} van der Poel (1686 to 1744)
Jan de Hooges (father of Johannes born 1590s?)
Johannes de Hooges (1590s? to ?)
Johannes de Hooges (ca 1650-56 to ca 1695)
Jeanne {d'Orleans} Gerard (wife of Jean)
Douglas (Douglass)
Mary {Douglas} McCammon (? to ca 1800?)
Du Fay
Madeleine {Du Fay} LeGrand (wife of Jean)
Field (Fields, Delfield, Del Field)
James Field? (1604 to ?)
John Delfield? (1300 to ?)
John Field (1519 to 1588)
Mary {Field} Jones [later Scruggs] (ca 1665 to ?)
Peter Field (1647? to 1707)
Roger Delfield? (1240 to ?)
Theophilus Field (1574 to 1636)
Thomas Delfield? (1278 to ?)
Thomas Del Field? (1330 to 1391)
Thomas Field (1360 to 1429)
William Field (1388 to 1480)
William Field (1470 to ?)
Alice {?} Field (wife of Theophilus)
Annabelle {?} Del Field (wife of Thomas)
Isabel {?} Field (wife of Thomas)
Katherine {?} Field (wife of William born 1388)
Catharina {Flores} Ring (1746 to after 1820)
Conrad Flores (1690 to after 1741)
Michael Flores (1714 to 1773)
Maria Barbara {?} Flores (wife of Conrad)
Maria Elizabeth {? to 1773-85} Flores (wife of Michael)
Anna Barbara {Frederick} Bär (wife of Johan Jacob)
Barbara {Funkhouser} Zinck (ca 1734 to 1790-1800)
Jacob Funkhouser (1700-06 to 1771)
Verena {?} Funkhouser (ca 1701-06 to after 1767)
Gascoigne (Gascoyne, Gaskins)
Thomas Gascoigne (1601 to 1663-65)
Alice {Gascoigne) Taylor (ca 1632 to 1702)
Gambling (Gamelyn)
Elizabeth {Gambling} Gascoigne (ca 1601 to before 1663)
Jean Gerard (father of Susanna)
Susanna {Gerard} Brian (ca 1612 to 1659)
Elizabeth {Griffith} Rickabaugh (? to 1834)
John Griffith (1750s? to 1816-20)
Catherine {?} Griffith (1740s? to 1824)
Annie {Guth} Schalach (1832? to ?)
Anna {Gysin} Rickabaugh (wife of Hans)
Edward Ludwig Habicht (1855 to 1937)
Edward Wilhelm Habicht (1814 to 1859)
Irene Louise {Habicht} Neal (1907 to 1989)
Otto Habicht (1884 to 1966)
Hendercie {Harms?} Witteveen (ca 1745 to ?)
Hesten (Hasten)
Catherine {Hesten?} Staton (wife of Warrington)
Hughbanks (Hughbank, Eubank, Ewbank, Ewbanks, Hewbanks, Hubanks)
Clarissa {Hughbanks} Zink (1822 to 1889)
John Hughbanks (1735 to after 1810)
Richard Hughbanks (? to 1698?)
William Hughbanks (1697 to 1750-51)
William Hughbanks? (1760-65 to ca 1847)
William Hughbank (1787-88 to 1868)
Naomy {?} Hughbanks (wife of Richard)
Mary {Hulse?} Power (ca 1703-05? to before 1751)
Tabitha {Jones} Robinson (1694-1702 to ?)
Catharina {Karneels} Tyron (ca 1575 to ?)
Experience {Lamb} Stark (ca 1690 to after 1723)
Isaac? Lamb (ca 1655-1675/76 to 1723)
John Lamb? (1625 to by 1683)
Ann {?} Lamb (1627? to after 1683)
Elizabeth {?} Lamb (? to after 1723)
Jeanne {Laurent} Chastain (wife of Estienne born 1625)
Laycock (Lacock)
Joseph Laycock (1680-90? to ca 1760)
Sarah {Laycock} Stark (ca 1720 to 1780s?)
Jane Magdaline {LeGrand}
Roberson (wife of Thomas)
Jean LeGrand (1694 to 1731)
Pierre LeGrand (ca 1662 to 1707)
Catherine? (?) LeGrand (wife of Jean)
Lionberger (Leinburger, Lyinburger, Leinberger, Leyenberger)
Hans (or John) Lionberger (1681 to 1755?)
Hans (or John) Lionberger (1710 to 1756-57)
Magdalene {Lionberger} Rickabaugh (ca 1738 to 1785-87?)
Judith {Lombard} Soblet (wife of Jean)
Anne {Matthews?} Staton (? to after 1778)
McCammon (McCamron)
Jane Douglas {McCammon} Neal (1784-85? to 1871)
Matthew McCammon (1757? to 1841)
Catherine {McCoy} Rickabaugh (1799 to 1872-80)
Mary {Miller?} Zinck (1776 to 1836)
Clara {Moockers} Post (ca 1632 to before 1675)
Alexander Moore (father of Sarah)
Sarah {Moore?} Laycock (1698? to after 1760)
Nancy {?} Moore (wife of Alexander)
Neal (Neel, Neale, Neil, O'Neal)
Charles Glenn Neal (1906 to 1982)
Charles McKendre Neal (1878 to 1956)
Edward Neal? (1740s to 1802-03?)
Edward Neal (1770s? to 1846)
Thomas Neal (1832 to 1905)
Thomas Neal (1720? to 1785)
William Neal (1809 to 1870)
Sarah (?) Edge (? to 1803-05?)
Lettice (?) (? to 1785-91?)
Nollin (Noll)
Anna Clara [Elenore] {Nollin}
Kruck (1730s? to 1805-07?)
Johan Michael Nollin (1719 to after 1765)
Anna Barbara {?} Nollin (? to after 1762)
Adriaen Crynen Post (1628? to 1677?)
Margaret {Post} de Hooges (1657? to ?)
Marie {Poupart} Brian (wife of Pierre)
Mathias Poupart (father of Marie)
Power (Powers)
Joseph Power, Sr. (1720s to by 1794)
Joseph Power, Jr. (1764 to 1849)
Nancy Jane {Power} Hughbanks (1789-90 to 1837)
Susanne {Renaudin} Soublet (ca 1590 to 1653)
Rickabaugh(Rickebaugh, Reichenbach, Rickenbacher, Rickenbach, Riggerbacker)
Adam Rickabaugh (1790 to 1865)
Hans Rickabaugh (1626 to 1711)
Hans Rickabaugh (1653 to 1719)
Henry Rickabaugh (ca 1696 to 1741)
Henry Rickabaugh (1735 to 1780)
Henry Rickabaugh (1818-21 to after 1880)
Jacob? Rickabaugh (ca 1480 to ca 1530)
Jacob "Michael Joggi" Rickabaugh (1593 to 1659?)
John Rickabaugh (late 1750s to 1799-1812?)
Martin? Rickabaugh (ca 1512 to ?)
Michel Rickabaugh (ca 1550 to ?)
Sarah Elizabeth {Rickabaugh} Zink (1844? to 1901)
_____ {Riggs} Vanderpool (? to before 1820?)
Ring (Ringel)
Martin Ring (1730s-40s? to 1811)
Mary {Ring} Zinck (1798 to 1864)
Michael Ring (1768 to 1840-50)
Anna Catharina {?} Ring (wife of Michael)
Roberson (Robertson, Robinson)
John Robinson (ca 1688-92 to 1767-68)
Sallie {Roberson} Staton (wife of George) (? before 1808)
Thomas Robinson (ca 1670 to ?)
Thomas Roberson (ca 1718 to 1790-98)
Elizabeth {?} Robinson (wife of Thomas)
Rocholte (Rocholt, Rocholts, Roocholte)
Melchior Rocholte (father of Trijntje)
[Catrina] Tryntje Melgers {Rocholte} van der Poel (1619 to 1674)
Neeltie Cornelis {?} Rocholte (wife of Melchior)
Schalach (Sallach)
Augusta {Schalach} Habicht (1857? to 1913)
Friedrich Schalach (1831? to ?)
Christopher Shake (ca 1740 to 1802-03)
David Shake (1800 to 1872)
Mary Ellen {Shake} Neal (1835 to 1879)
Shepperd (Sheppard)
Margaret {Shepperd?} Vanderpool (? to 1820-30?)
Shore (Shores, Shoar, Sherer)
Richard Shore (ca 1700? to 1751)
Sarah {Shore} Power (ca 1728 to after 1794)
Henry Soane (ca 1594 to 1632?)
Henry Soane (1618 to ca 1666)
Judith {Soane} Field (? to 1703)
Judith {?} Soane (wife of Henry born 1618)
Soblet (Sublette, Soublet)
Abraham Soblet (1648 to 1716-19?)
Anne {Soblet} Chastain (ca 1674-75 to 1723)
Elie Soublet (father of Jean)
Jean Soblet (father of Abraham)
Stark (Starks, Starke, Start)
Aaron Stark (1608? to ca 1685)
Abraham Stark (1781 to 1857)
Christopher Stark (ca 1747 to 1807-10
Daniel Stark (ca 1743 to after 1810)
Jonathan Stark (1712 to before 1765)
Rebecca {Stark} Chastain (1799 to 1880s?)
Sarah (Stark} Stark (1779 to 1851)
William Stark (ca 1664-65 to 1730)
William Stark (ca 1687-88 to 1731-36?)
Sarah {?} Stark (wife of Aaron)
Elizabeth {?} Stark (before 1673 to after 1730)
Staton (Staten)
George Staton (ca 1735-50? to 1830-40?)
Joseph Staton? (father of Warrington)
Rebecca Jane {Staton} Chastain (ca 1772 to 1865)
Thomas Staton? (? to 1778)
Warrington Staton? (ca 1716 to 1760-61)
Taverner (Tarvin?)
George Taverner? (? to 1766)
Ann (or Nancy) {Taverner?} Taylor (1740-50? to 1830-40)
Taylor [Blevins line]
Daniel Taylor (1760-65 to 1835-1839?)
Lucinda {Taylor} Blevins (1784-90? to 1840-50?)
Taylor [Power line] John Taylor (1607 to 1652)
John Taylor (1627-1702)
John Taylor (ca 1654 to 1714-17)
John Taylor (1674-1748)
Henry Taylor (ca 1707 to 1770-71)
Joshua Taylor (ca 1730 to 1780-84)
Sarah {Taylor} Power (1768-1854)
Elizabeth {?} Taylor (? to after 1652)
Elizabeth {?} Taylor (wife of John born 1674)
Adam Thommen (? to 1743)
Barbara {Thommen} Rickabaugh (ca 1700 to 1740)
Tijron (Tyron)
Antoni Tyron (ca 1570 to ?)
Maria {Tijron} de Hooges (1599-1600? to ?)
James Trimble (ca 1760 to after 1820?)
Mary Mary Trimble (ca 1779 to 1815?)
Van Laar
Christina {van Laar?} Boeve (ca 1756 to ?)
Van Rotmers (Van Rottmer)
Annetie Barentse {Van Rotmers} Bratt (ca 1607 to 1661)
Barent Van Rotmers (? to before 1632)
Vanderpool(Van der Pool, Van der Poel, Van der Poell)
Abraham Vanderpool (1709? to 1778?)
Abraham Vanderpool (ca 1743-50 to 1794-95)
Gerrit van der Poel (1590 to ?)
Glenn {Vanderpool} Neal (1884 to 1906)
James Vanderpool (1813 to 1854)
John M. Vanderpool (1783? to 1854)
Melgert Wynantse van der Poel (1643? to 1710?)
Samuel Green Vanderpool (1847 to 1946)
Wynant Gerritse van der Poel (1617 to 1695-1702)
Wynant Melgertse van der Poel (1683? to 1750)
Rebecca {?} Vanderpool (1710-15? to 1779)
Trijne {?} van der Poel (wife of Gerrit Lambers)
Sarah {Vandiford} Hughbanks (wife of John)
Jean Vereul (father of Judith)
Judith {Vereul} LeGrand (wife of Pierre}
Verplanck (VerPlanck, Planck)
Abraham Isaacse Verplanck (ca 1606 to 1691)
Ariaantje {Verplanck} van der Poel (1646? to ca 1690)
Isaacse Verplanck (ca 1580 to ?)
Vesey (Vessey, Vezie, Vezey)
George Vesey (? to 1665)
Ann {Vesey} Taylor (ca 1658 to after 1713)
Joan {?} Vesey (wife of George)
Vigne (Vingre, de la Vigne)
Guillaume Vigne (ca 1580-90 to by 1632)
Jean de la Vigne (ca 1560 to ca 1622)
Maria {Vigne} Verplanck (ca 1608-10 to 1670-71)
Vineyard (Vinyard, Venard, Vennard, Vingar)
Francis Vineyard (ca 1728 to ca 1831)
Martha {Vineyard} Stark (1752-54? to by 1798)
Susanna {Warrington} Staton (wife of Joseph)
Joanna {Weir} Alferink (1857? to 1907)
Elizabeth {Wells} Stark (1746-50? to after 1810?)
Barbara {Widmer} Rickabaugh (1591? to ?)
Winand ( Weinand)
G. Philip Winand (1754 to 1842)
Susanna {Winand} Crooks (1784-94 to ca 1822)
Antonia {Witteveen} Alferink (1814 to ?)
Jan Hendrik Witteveen? (ca 1741 to ?)
Jan Hendrik Witteveen? (1767 to 1833)
Elizabeth {Worger} Soane (? to ca 1632)
Cornelia {Wynant} van der Poel (wife of Gerrit)
Zink (Zinck, Sink, Sinc)
Anabel {Zink} Vanderpool (1861 to 1948)
Gottlieb Zinck (ca 1730 to 1802)
Jacob Zinck (1756 to 1829)
Jacob (James?) Zinck (1789-92 to 1851)
Michael Zink (1816 to 1888)
William Rogers Zink (1838 to 1915)